Thursday, December 23, 2010

Well.. I didnt do so hot..

I know that my last post was all about trying to be a better blogger.. ya.. that obviously went over well since I havent blogged in almost a year..

And what a year it has been.. Ups and downs.. all arounds is what we've been doing.. Right now we are getting ready for Christmas and spending time with our families and friends.. and hopefully I will be able to post some pictures after all is said and done.. but I will be using my moms computer for that since just recently not only did my computer crash.. my digital camera also went kapoot on me.. :( its been rough for electronic things at our house this year.

So.. since I couldnt keep my resolution last year to blog more.. I really dont have much of a resolution this year execpt to try and be a better me.. all around! Try to give back as much as one can possibly do in these hard times, to my community and to my friends and family!

That is all for now.. I know.. I go all year without a post and this little short thing is all you get.. well.. what can I say? I kinda suck at this bloggin thing! :)